Saturday, December 2, 2006

I hate Snow

I would have appreciated a more gradual introduction to the snow this season, but you don't always get what you want. We got 10 inches in about four hours yesterday...yech. I don't feel like going outside just yet, so I drew this to keep busy. Enjoy.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


So I had this idea awhile ago, and finally, after internet issues, multiple weddings to attend and video, projects up the wazoo and various other computer scares, I give you the first ever e-zine dedicated to BallBusting; BUST!
This image is one of the advertisements from 'burst' my BB company for women.
I warn you guys that don't like popping, there's one extremely graphic rupture in this comic.
The next one will be 'Millionaire's Daughter 2' so stay tuned my friends!
Oh, and I'll be taking requests for commissions now! Just e-mail me @ knavebb@hotmail and you too can have your BB fantasy illustrated. whee!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Comic Preview

The next comic is nearing completion. Here's a frame without the background, but you get the idea.

Stay tuned, new art coming soon.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

Secret Project Revealed!

I recently lost a big client, so I filled the void by drawing a BB Comic. You'll notice a banner at the top of the page now. It's my brand spanking new Comic Store through Images4sale! I've written four full comics now, and am currently drawing the second. It's going to be fun. Don't worry, this blog will still be updated, because it's fun! I'll keep you all updated on the comic progress on this blog. Woohoo! Here's a toon starring the heroine of the first comic "The Millionaire's Daughter".
If you pick up a copy, let me know what you thought either here, or by e-mail (knavebb@hotmail). I love constructive criticism.


Sunday, September 10, 2006


Just having fun. Hey, I draw that guy's kind of hair alot, don't I? Interesting.

Guest Artist and Gift

Bellebustier and I decided to do a quick gift exchange. Here's her offering and my return gift for her.
Good news is I'm finally all moved in to my new apartment, and it's HUGE and GREAT! So I'm loving that. Bad news is I'm even busier than usual with a really big client. I'm still working on my secret project, and Kintaman is chugging away on his script (I assume), so big things to come.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Stop the guesses!

We have a winner! Kinta-man has completed all 3 parts! Giv'im a round of applause!
Here's the solution.

Part one was surrounded with colored words, which, when arranged according to their sequence in the rainbow, formed a quote by Leonhard Euler.

On arriving at Leonhardeuler's blogspot page, this image was seen:

The lady saying TKEP refers the the page "The Kill Everyone Project" and the egyptian characters refer to a name, Nefer-Neferu-Khepri. On that page, Nefer-Nefer-Khepri has 5678 kills. In his profile is this riddle:

A dark cyclops lies on the field, sword in hand.
Supine, gazing up, unable to move.
Miserable, surrounded by kin, similarly lain.
Atropus, Lachesis and Clotho rule them.
They can dig their own graves.
ANSWER ME THIS! What is the cyclops' name?

the final answer: The Jack of Spades.

Good job amigo! Get back at me with your script!

With the sheer number of people that made it to part 3, I know I have to make the next one of these much, MUCH more difficult!

Saturday, July 29, 2006


It's time! This contest has three parts. Everything below the asterisks are the first part. A correct solution to PART I will send you to Part II etc. etc. The first person to send the solutions of all 3 parts to ( will write a 5 page script that I will make into a full color comic. I've made it difficult on purpose, but it should be solvable. Begin!


Sunday, July 23, 2006

Quick gift

Still working on the big contest pic in my spare time (of which there is precious little).
Here's a quick one for a fellow enthusiast. She really seems to hate guys with backwards hats and baggy shorts.

EDIT: Your critiques have motivated me to fix her chest. I reduced the size, and made the perspective match. Wow, even with a reduction she's a buxom young woman. I like it better this way.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I'm not sick!

Holy shit a lot has happened over the past few weeks. I broke up with my girl friend (it was time), I finished three or four enormous projects and am earning enough to afford a nicer apartment (I'm moving in August), my computer died and I was fraid I'd lost my information, but thanks to tech support in India, I'm back up and running, and I'm working on the most fun side project ever!
Here's a quicky I did tonight. The line quality is dirty, and the shading and colors were slapdash, but I like it.
Whoa! We're past the 100,000 mark! I've gotta come up with a contest! Stay tuned for details.

EDIT: Upon reading recent comments, and past comments, I just want to say thanks for keeping up with this thing. To everyone with whom I am currently negotiating commissions, please have patience as I get my life in order. Things will be available shortly. Thanks folks!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006


So I got well, and then promptly got sick again. I used to be one of the healthiest people I knew! My friends, family, coworkers, acquaintances would all get sick, and I would be a bastion of health!
Now it appears my immune system hates me, or has become lazy.
Anyway, here's the pic of Ego's "China Doll". Too heavy on the purple? You decide.

P.S. I made her legs that long on purpose. I just finished watching "Eiken Club", an animé recommended to me. Long legs, I got inspired. I don't watch animé very often, Sturgeon's law applies too often. I have to admit, Eiken Club is so absurd it kept me entertained for the duration.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Sick Again

I really, really REALLY need to stop getting sick! I'm sick and tired of getting SICK!
Anyway, because I felt like it, and because lots of other people liked it, here's one more huge balls picture. Note, the ladies're wearing mini-skirts. I don't remember who asked for that, but I think it works here.
Enjoy! I'm going to try and sleep to the lullaby of my own labored breathing.

Saturday, May 13, 2006


Yeah, so I've given up trying to get work done today. Hey, at least I got some decent 'toons out of it.

One of those days

I just can't concentrate on work today. I figured I'd take a break and see what came out. Here ya go! Oh muse, thou art devilish.

Friday, May 12, 2006

You call THIS summer?!

So we've had nothing but crappy weather the last few days. It rained, then sleeted, and I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed later. grrr.
Anyway, there was some confusion with my last triplet of hotties. I tried a visual device, and it failed, so I decided to do another one, with only one frame. Oh, and I keep hearing requests for big balls, so here ya go!

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Big things in the works

Right! Did someone ask for more punches? I don't even remember anymore.
Here ya go! I felt wierd drawing this one, no idea why. The style is...different from my usual. It was a fun excercise though.
I'm working on an idea...a fun one. Will post updates.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Emo kids

Man, you know you're getting older when you start disliking the harmless trends of highschoolers. Emo being the trend I've come to hate...for no reason. Anyway, here's my tiny protest. Take that Emo-Haircut guy! HA!
I guess I can't stay annoyed, too many cute girls running around in tiny slippers and socks. You win this time Emo, this time.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

As Requested

To all you that wanted to see smaller dicks and balls, here ya go! I was going to give him my usual treatment, but it just seemed crowded in the crotch area, so I think the smaller proportions work.
I used an incredibly minimal palette, but I like it anyway.

Money Problems

My girlfriend and I recently tried something we'd never done before. She stood up fully on my balls. It....was....AWESOME! Anyway, I got obsessed with her dancing on me, so here's a pic of some hotties, inspired by my baby.
For those who care, and people to whom I owe personalized pics, I finally looked into Amazon 's donation system. It's nice because the donater can change their mind and be fully refunded, but sadly Amazon still takes their percentage of the exchange regardless, which means the donatee loses 2% of what the donation would have been, therefore losing money. Oh well, no such thing as a free lunch.
Maybe I'll look into PayPal, though I think I would have to subscribe or something.
{shrug} Ideas anyone?

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Retrieved my DATA!

YES! Thanks to EaseUse, the perfect lil' program that could acces my drive and find my files! WHOOHOO!
Ilny2000, here's your pic. I tried a totally different style for it, curious what y'all think.
Glad to have my files back, stay tuned for more toons, created joyously and without fear.
I'll be backing up religiously from now on. {whew!}
Thanks again to Dereknor for filling in with his toons.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

No Picture EDIT: Wait

So my harddrive crashed two days ago, and since then I've been struggling to recover my data. There was lots of good stuff on that drive, and I will not go softly into that good night, I'm fighting to get it back. Wish me luck and watch for updates.

EDIT: Dereknor was nice enough to send another toon, I think he posted it previously on Femaledom's board. Thanks Mr. Vec, I appreciate it!

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Guest Art #1

I recently got this schoolgirl pic from our good friend Dereknor. I figured now would be a good time to post it, as I am struggling with stress induced insanity. Note the details, like the pencil case made from a severed penis, and the veins on the balls. Good stuff my friend, thanks!
Let him hear it folks!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

For KintaMan

Here ya go mate! Right, so I'm gonna try to work on Ilny's picture later this week, and then there's no more contests until we hit 100,000 hits. I'd like to reiterate that guest art is welcomed and encouraged, as are random presents! :) Y'all know my e-mail address.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

My First CatGirl

Here she first attempt ever at drawing a cat girl. I've seen plenty of them in animé I would never want to watch, and at nerd conventions I no longer attend, but I've managed all this time never to actually draw one. So let me know what you think! I like her spunky attitude. {meow}

I recently got some splendid gifts in my e-mail from a BB enthusiast and his lady friend. I officially encourage the sending of gift images and movies of cuteys in socks (or whatever) having some fun with balls to my hotmail account (knavebb@).
I was also recently asked about my stance on guest art.
I LOVE IT! If you've got some BB toons you would like to see on the site, feel free to send those too, and we'll all appreciate your talent together!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Coloring Contest Prize

I finally have a hiatus from work, so I finished the combination pic. Legend, I'm sorry, I couldn't fit in your request, so I'm saving her for an upcoming picture.
The votes are tallied, Kinta-man and Nutcracker both win for the caption contest! Comment with requests for pics amigos. On a further note, I'm going to save up the next contest for the 100,000 mark, and boy will it be a doozy. Until then I'll post stuff from my own imagination. Of course random comments and ideas are always welcome :)
Until next time.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Bogged Down = RERUNS

I'm working diligently (if very slowly at this point) on the last winner pic, and I think it's coming along well. For now, let's vote on all the awesome caption ideas that were posted last time. I've appointed some judges to decide the winner. Each gets one vote, and it must be for a caption entry other than their own. Comment here judges, and we'll see who won!
The esteemed judges are:

Confused Ed
Anonymous agreement
Trussed Up
and Legend...if he feels like it

oh, I will also have one vote, cuz it's my blog an' all.

While we wait for me to finish the pic, here's a rerun or two.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Finally Well

Deeyamn! That took long enough. I'm done taking my antibiotics, and all my symptoms (from the 3 or 4 sicknesses I got at once) are gone. I still haven't figured out how I'm doing the last winner pic (it's complicated) but rest assured it'll be out eventually. Your hard work will be rewarded :)
In the mean time I thought it would be fun to do a caption contest! I got some great suggestions for caption contests, and I'll follow up on those, later. This one is a pic I just, couldn't think up good captions for. So have a good time! The word balloons are numbered, so comment here with your ideas and we'll all figure out which one is best. There is of course a prize, but it will be finished after I get the last one out there.
Also, I'm trying to find out a good way to post animations. Any ideas? I'm going to have flash files to show off soon.
Thanks for the reikis everyone!

Monday, February 20, 2006

And Now I have PINKEYE!

Yep, now on top of my awful cold, I have both my eyes. Dammit. Anyway, this still isn't the special pic for the contest winners, because I'm still thinking about it. I call this one "Business Casual Friday" for some reason. Things to note: 1.) She indeed isn't wearing pants. 2.) You can see through his legs! Wierd! I was too happy with her knee to cover it up with his ugly old leg, so I made it see through. Whatever.
p.s. sweater vests should get everyone kneed in the nuts. gawd.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Sick again...dammit

Well dammit, I'm sick as a dog again, and still swamped with work. I have the cold from hell, so I haven't been able to strat the contest winners' pic(s) yet, but here's a sneak peak at an image I started forever ago and have yet to finish. It's the first in a super secret series of pics and/or animations that will one day be completed and maybe even sold..maybe.
Help me get better, pray or dance or just send mojo for me, whatever it is you people do. I desperately need to get better so I can finish me commissions and pay for food. Now I think I'll go drown myself with benadryl and hope I pass out.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Contest Winners!

Because there weren't too many entrants, and everyone did such a great job, You all win! Each of you gets to suggest something for a specialized toon, and I'll do my damndest to make it all work.
Hey, it's a cop out, but I'm too nice a guy to choose one winner! Or I'm just a huge pussy. {shrug}
Congrats to:
Julie M
and of course the unstoppable...

Let's here it for'em folks, comment on their awesomeness!

Wednesday, February 8, 2006


Yo yo yo! Only one day (mostly) left to color and e-mail the last post! I've only gotten like, six entries, which sucks but is still more than I expected.
In the mean-time, here's one I did with some funky-ass shading. It's pretty flat, but I like it anyway.
Now, get back to coloring you lazy bums!

NOTE: (all those who have already colored and e-mailed their submissions do not qualify as lazy nad/or slobs. THE MANAGEMENT)

Friday, February 3, 2006

40,000 hits

Right, screw the (poorly conceived) riddles for a minute and let's try something creative!
Here's a toon of a chick and me, color it! Put your artist alias under the color area and send it to my hotmail account (knavebb@ etc. etc.)
I'll review all entries and judge for the finalist on Feb. 10th. Then I'll post everyone's beautiful art and give a personalized toon to the winner!
Use paint, photoshop, paintshop pro, or print it out, color and scan it. Whatever you want to use to make it beautiful and fully fleshed out. Have fun!

p.s. Everyone is eligible to win this one! Even past winners!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Needed a Break

Man, I needed some time to myself, so I drew this. Things have been crazy usual.
I don't know what's up with this girl's hair and dress. I guess I regressed to the eighties for a sec there. {shrug} Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What's Black and White and Red all over?

I was happy with the blacks in this piece, so I kept it mostly colorless. I remember awhile back when I shared a lot of toons on the board, someone kept asking why I didn't use larger palettes or play with color more. It's because I was lousy at color theory. I've gotten ever so slightly better since then, but I still struggle with it.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Man, I need more money. To answer some of the previous comment questions, yes I did choose to freelance. I'm wondering why right now. Kidding, it's great. I knew I would never be rich, but hey, it's what I love to do.
Here's a sequential one for you guys. I'm having fun drawing really thick soft clothes lately. Probably because it's winter and I'm FREEZING all the time!
Hey, let's take a quick survey!
How many ladies visit the ol' toon blog, or see the pics?
Fellas, this means your girl friends too. I want to know the size of my female audience.
I'm really curious!

Chime in if you're a woman or you know of a woman who enjoys my toons. Sate my curiosity!

Friday, January 13, 2006

Work Continues to Suck

There is never any rest for the freelancer. I've learned, and sadly I think my friends and girlfriend have all learned that I do not work on their silly weekly schedule. I have no weekend, as there is never a time when I am not working. It is a life of fun, yes, because I work in my pajamas and watch movies lots of the time as things render and transfer, but surely there is sweet little time to devote to the people in my life. One of these days I'll get out of this racket, but I do enjoy being busy...most of the time. It has its ups and downs.

Sunday, January 8, 2006

It's Chilly Again

I saw some jaw-dropping sweater meat today, so I had to draw some.
30,000 hits already? Okay then...
Same rules as always.

"An old man was walking down the road one day, towards town.
He tapped his cane happily as he enjoyed the sunshine.
On the way he came upon a beautiful woman.
He asked her where she was going and she replied;
To my fiancée's house. We're to be wed today!
The man smiled and said he had assumed as much.
He continued walking and came upon a merchant selling
fruits and vegetables. The man asked why the merchant
had no onions today.
Because they are not in season. Replied the merchant.
The old man continued on, smiling to himself.
Soon he came upon a beggar sleeping in the middle of the road.
Why did the farmer kick you out of his barn? Asked the old man.
Because I ate all his pig's slop. Replied the well-fed beggar.
The old man chuckled to himself, and said he had assumed as much.
Just outside of town the old man came upon a great hole in the
ground dug by rambunctious groundhogs. He caught his ankle and tripped
in, landing at the bottom. Well, this will delay me! He laughed at himself.
Why did he fall in?"

First person to answer etc. etc.

Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Not Sick Anymore

Man, breathing is great! It's sexy! I feel so attractive with my swollen, red, shiny nostrils! Methinks I'll go to bed now. Hey look, a cartoon! I'll be lacquered.

It's not looking like a comic would be worthwhile enough to warrant slowing my real job down, maybe later in my life.

Sunday, January 1, 2006

Sick again

Being sick isn't cool. Anyway, happy new year everyone! My resolution is to enjoy life more than I have been. What's your resolution?