Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blue Balls

Heya fellas! Well the weather here in the frozen North has been great recently, that is until today when we got pounded with another four inches of snow. Dammit. Anyway it inspired me to do this lil' number. Awfully nice of her to warm up his balls huh?
Here's a quick shout out to Jonoffen, if you still visit this thing. Your blog is awesome! Keep up the brilliant writing! Maybe we can trade a story for a comic soon, I'd love to get a personalized story in your wonderful style!
Peace to all and to all a good night.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well it's been a rough ride here in the frozen tundra, but it's finally over. 2007 sucked at times and rocked at others. Let's promise one another to do it real big in 2008, okay? Here's some fan service. You asked for panty-hose, you got'em! You asked for hardcore testicular trauma, you got it! You asked for "ball juice" for lack of a better term...you got it! I apologize to the squeamish.
More stuff is on the way, stay tuned true believers!

EDIT: I had to fix a detail about the 'toon that was driving me crazy. It's better now :)