Thursday, May 31, 2007

Biting Testicles

Here's one for the guys that mailed me asking for biting. I apologize to the squeamish. I was going to have her opening the sac and biting a naked teste, but that seemed a bit too graphic for the blog.
Hope ya like it!


  1. This is good, but damn you for stating what you originally planned, now i want to see that.


  2. OW! And thats coming from a bb fan!

  3. I loved it. We want more. :-) Thanks

  4. Indeed! I would very much like to see your original plan with the opening of the sac and such.

  5. anonymous agreementJune 6, 2007 at 10:50 AM

    damn, you're right. it did make me a bit squeamish. oh well, to each their own. i'm going back to look at the last pic again :)

  6. This is like one of your best ones yet! It would have been hotter (to me) if she was holding the balls in her hand. Kinda like eating an apple.

  7. Go on, go for it - lets see the bitten naked ball!

  8. hi.. greetings from brazil!!
    yeah.. lets see the naked ball!
    maybe some castration pics.. i like it!! these sexy girls castratin a big guy... or a giant bull as well... what do ya think?

  9. The harsher the better. The squeamish get plenty of pics to enjoy. I would love to see a woman biting a naked ball,

  10. Great cartoon, I love my balls sucked and chewed

  11. I agree, your original idea would have been amazing to see. the sac open and her biting the exposed testicle.

  12. Just cum across this site. I LOVE IT!
    Would love to see here ciut open the scrotum, pull out the testicle and mash it with her fingers, piking her nails deep into the teste, then finishing off with a sudden chomp with her teeth. Could we get to see that? please?
