Thursday, November 30, 2006


So I had this idea awhile ago, and finally, after internet issues, multiple weddings to attend and video, projects up the wazoo and various other computer scares, I give you the first ever e-zine dedicated to BallBusting; BUST!
This image is one of the advertisements from 'burst' my BB company for women.
I warn you guys that don't like popping, there's one extremely graphic rupture in this comic.
The next one will be 'Millionaire's Daughter 2' so stay tuned my friends!
Oh, and I'll be taking requests for commissions now! Just e-mail me @ knavebb@hotmail and you too can have your BB fantasy illustrated. whee!


  1. 1st post.

    New comic by knave....Must buy...

  2. only one rupture? is there a whole bunch of busting in there too?

  3. its not lettin me buy the new comic, what do i dooo?

  4. Great mag. Keep it continued. Please make sets more frequently. In fact, all of them can be continued. The millionaire's daughter might invite another rich friend and show off her "employee", the blonde has to attend another defense course in the dojo to keep in shape.

  5. hi! only one thing: you are not so good. these last pictures is very very boring. i don`t know about comics - i don`t buy them. i think you may give us more free pictures or close this blog, because this situation is oauful!! i`m serious.

  6. I liked that Comic ;)

    You could also draw some ballbusting stories, like the ones from Caligula or other ballbusting-autors. There are many good stories that are waiting for some kind of visualiation ;)

  7. Sir as a great fan of yours I must say itwould be utter blasphemy to stop this blog the comics are amazing but more frequent pics would be great as well. I hope you live forever sir good day.

  8. Again, that was unconstructive and vague. I'm guessing English isn't your first language. Parlez vous francais? Talar du Svenska? Provide specifics or don't complain.

  9. you`re right, i speak english only a bit ) and i was drunk wheni wrote last message )))
    your last picture is very good! but some pictures BEFORE last...
    i think you understand me.

  10. Thanks for the critiques vasyav, they keep me on my toes. :)
    I'm glad you like the ruptures sockmess, I'm working on the script for an especially violent comic, I think it'll be right up your alley.


  11. yes i also liked the last rupture maybe you should try having a young girl crush a guy like in a school fight keep those nuts crushing my girlfriend likes to try your ideas

  12. This is just TOO strange. Knave comes up with a comic called "The Millionaire's Daughter".

    As I come up with an idea for a ballbusting heiress designed to be the polar opposite of idiot slut, Paris Hilton.

    Too too strange.


  13. I'd really like a ballbusting schoolyard brawl. With a panty shot upskirt as the guy clutches his balls.

  14. This world would be a much better place if every unwanted advanced ended up with a guy getting his balls busted and the girl leaving with a big smile on her face.
