Thursday, November 17, 2005


Too much work! I'm back in town, but up to my face in work. RERUN TIME! I don't think ANYONE has ever seen this rerun, as I don't remember posting it Anywhere. I was playing around with a different style. You'll have to let me know whatcha think.
Oh, and keep those haikus coming! Also, say which ones you like.


  1. Marvelous!! i love this style, you are the best!

  2. nice style, how long does it take u to make each picture, and what program do you use to make them? keep the good work up!!

  3. Truly - this is a genius at work. I like all your work, but to be honest, the stuff that my girlfriend likes best are the 'disembodied' genitals! More of them please!!

  4. To each their own, I'm not a fan of male nudity, so I like it more when everyone is clothed in the pics. And the expressions you give your guys as they get busted are always great, so I guess my vote is against disembodied testicles, lol. But everything you do is great, so either or is good.
